Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tonight Andre asked me if I would be willing to sell my knitting. Apparently the wrist warmers I made for her have garnered a lot of attention.
I wish I had a picture of them, but she never sent me one. They turned out pretty fabulous though! I have only knit for money once. Shortly after I first learned Andre's mother asked me to make something for a co-worker. The lady had commented on the items I had made for Xmas. Since she was retiring soon Andre's mother wanted to give her a gift, what better than something hand made that actually looks nice, right? Well I hated it so much it is a wonder that I am still knitting at all. Maybe it was because I was still a new knitter that the deadline sucked so bad, but I am inclined to think not.

I don't think I want to knit for strangers. So much goes into each one of my projects. I can't help but put a little piece of me inside each one. The simplest project could take me hours to complete. It isn't worth it to knit for money if the item takes more than a few hours. Most of the time people are too cheap to pay what it would be worth for the time alone, before one even considers the materials. I love knitting for the people I care about. For strangers it is only a chore. I would rather do house-work.

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