Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tempting Cables

I made this sweater for myself which I adore. I wanted to make something really simple since I was my first sweater ever. So I looked around and I found something. It had a simple construction, but I couldn't stand the ribbons and bows up on top. I decided to change it a little. After fooling around with cables a to make the Cabled Wrist Cozies I was in like with that particular cable. It could be adapted into the pattern too. Instead of putting in a ribbon on top I could have glorious cables! So rather than Tempting, I have Tempting Cables.

I followed the instructions for the original pattern until the last 2.5 inches. The only change is that I needed to make sure that my stitch count was divisible by eight. The only size that needs to have stitches added or removed was the large. I ran a life line in the row before starting my cables to make sure they would work out ok. It also marked the end of a round, I found it easier than using a stitch marker. I do know some people love the stitch markers though.


2LT (left twist) Slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, p1, then k2 from cable needle.
2RT (right twist)
Slip 1 st to cable needle and hold in back, k2, then p1 from cable needle.
CL (cross left) Slip 3 sts to cable needle and hold in front, k2, then slip purl st from cable needle to left needle, p1, then k2 from cable needle.

rnd 1: *2LT, p1, k2, p2* repeat to end of round

rnd 2: *p1, k2, p1, k2, p2* repeat to end of round

rnd 3: *p1, CL, p2* repeat to end of round

rnd 4: *p1, k2, p1, k2, p2*
repeat to end of round

rnd 5: *2RT, p1, 2LT, p1*
repeat to end of round

rnd 6: *k2, p3, k2, p1*
repeat to end of round

rnd 7: *k2, p1, YO, p2tog, k2, p1*
repeat to end of round

rnds 8&9:
*k2, p3, k2, p1* repeat to end of round

rnd 10: *2LT, p1, 2RT, p1*
repeat to end of round

rnd 11: *p1, k2, p1, k2, p2*
repeat to end of round

rnd 12: *p1, CL, p2*
repeat to end of round

rnd 13: *p1, k2, p1, k2, p2*
repeat to end of round

rnd 14: *2RT, p1, k2, p2*
repeat to end of round

rnd 15&16: 2x2 ribbing in line with original pattern

BO in pattern.

Heres hoping I didn't screw anything up when I wrote it down. Feel free to message me if you have questions. Message me with pictures if you make one, I would love to see them.


cameo530 said...

Hi there,

I just wanted to let you know that I saw your adaptation of "Tempting" on Ravelry and just had to use it. I was considering the pattern, but knew I didn't want that bow, and your cables were the perfect alternative.

I'm nearly finished now (on row 14 of the cables) but I think that row may have a typo in it. Is it really supposed to be 2LT? I tried that and it didn't seem right at all, so I switched to a 2RT and that is working much better for me.

Anyway, thanks for such a clever solution to finishing off the sweater without using that huge bow.

Corseted Pirate said...

Perhaps I wrote it down wrong. I wrote down my adaption after I actually finished it. Thanks for the correction :)

Corseted Pirate said...

I just changed it :)